Praćenje vozila d.o.o. aka Smartivo
Smart Solutions
Presidente ITPUG
Proemion GMBH
Billpay GmbH Team
Zalando SE
Zalando SE
Presidente ITPUG
Centro di GeoTecnologie, Siena University
Gülçin Yıldırım Jelínek Keynote, 2ndQuadrant
Gülçin started working with Postgres at a startup company in 2012 and was amazed how good Postgres really is! After being involved in organizing PostgreSQL conferences, giving talks and being an active community member she has been elected to PostgreSQL Europe Board in 2017. Gulcin is interested in PostgreSQL Automation and Cloud Technologies. She currently works as Cloud Services Manager and leads the Cloud Development in 2ndQuadrant. Gülçin resurrected the Prague PostgreSQL Meetup group and has been organizing a meetup with two talks each month as the main organizer. She is also part of Postgres Women and cares about diversity and representation of women in technical communities.
In this talk we discuss the state of the art of Logical Replication for PostgreSQL. While we begin by comparing it with Physical Replication, the core part of this presentation is to examine a few specific use cases, including selective replication and no-downtime software upgrades. Throughout the talk we will also comment on pitfalls and limitations, as they arise in the use cases.
Gianni Ciolli Head of Professional Services, 2ndQuadrant
Gianni Ciolli is Head of Professional Services at 2ndQuadrant, and is a PostgreSQL consultant, trainer, and speaker at various IT conferences worldwide, including the European PostgreSQL conferences and PGDay Italy and UK. He started working with Free and Open Source Software 20 years ago, and has been active in the community (Prato Linux User Group, Italian PostgreSQL Users Group). Previously he worked as a researcher and teacher at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Florence. He is an author of the last two editions of the PostgreSQL Administration Cookbook, from Packt Publishing (Birmingham, 2015-16).
PostgreSQL version are usually supported for 5 years. This means that, if you have a serious project on top of PostgreSQL, you will probably have to migrate your data to a newer version to get the regular security fixes and bugfixes. Newer versions usually come with additional benefits: better performance on same hardware, new features and extensions. But how to migrate your data? pg_dump/pg_restore are the first thing people use if they can, and they work great. Unfortunately, your application has to be offline during this period. If your database is very big, it will be offline an unacceptable period of time. Searching for solutions to this problem, we can find several tools that can help you: • pg_upgrade • slony-I • pglogical (with pgrepup) In this presentation, we will show the results of testing some of these solutions on our production database (900+GB). Additionally, we have tested migrating our data with the COPY command.
Mladen Marinović CTO, Praćenje vozila d.o.o. aka Smartivo
Working as the CTO of Smartivo on fleet management solutions. I have several years of experience running PostgreSQL in production for various clients, private and consultancy projects. I am also a part time PostgreSQL admin, and I do some Python and Go development for fun and/or profit.
Horizontal partitioning is one of the most successful database modeling techniques for the scalability of a PostgreSQL database. After a historical excursus on the workaround already available from PostgreSQL 8.1 and based on inheritance, we will go through declarative partitioning introduced in PostgreSQL 10, with a peep of what's waiting for us in PostgreSQL 11.
View presentationGabriele Bartolini Head of Global Support at 2ndQuadrant, 2ndQuadrant
A long time open-source programmer and entrepreneur, Gabriele has a degree in Statistics from the University of Florence. Gabriele is the Head of Global Support at 2ndQuadrant and managing director of the Italian office as well as an active member of the international PostgreSQL community and local ITPUG. His commitment is to consistently contribute to the growth of 2ndQuadrant and it’s members through nurturing a lean and devops culture. Gabriele lives in Prato, a small but vibrant city located in the northern part of Tuscany, Italy. His second home is Melbourne, Australia, where he studied at Monash University and worked in the ICT sector. His hobbies include “calcio” (football or soccer, depending on which part of the world you come from) and playing his Fender Stratocaster electric guitar. But his major passion is called: Elisabeth - his sweet 1-year old daughter!
PostgreSQL, oltre ad essere un database completo ed affidabile, riserva molte sorprese e funzionalità 'nascoste' che andremo ad scoprire in questo talk. In particolare esploreremo: • alcuni tipi di dato 'non convenzionali' • query stravaganti • psql per elefanti coraggiosi • indici preziosi • a caccia di estensioni uniche Incuriosito? Non mancare a questo talk, rimarrai sorpreso di ciò che il nostro Elefante può fare!
View presentationAmazon, Google, Facebook, IBM e molti altri propongono sistemi e librerie per il Machine Learning. E PostgreSQL cosa può fare? Nel talk si evidenzieranno e studieranno alcuni esempi di utilizzo della libreria MADLib e strumenti per l'analisi del linguaggio naturale.
View presentationDenis Gasparin Owner, Smart Solutions
Computer Engineer since 2001 with extensive experience in PostgreSQL both systemic and programming and web development (PHP and Javascript in particular). The open source world has contributed over the years to developing parts of the PHP / PDO driver for PostgreSQL and started the PgRepUp project for PostgreSQL replication and upgrade using PgLogical.
Simon will use the example of Bi-Directional-Replication, Multi-master replication of geographically distributed databases in PostgreSQL, to explain how the development of PostgreSQL features for paying customers can be leveraged to improve the overall project. Postgres-BDR can be installed on bare metal, virtualized environments, or deployed in the cloud - it works as an extension to open source PostgreSQL versions 9.6+. The future features of BDR will reduce read and write latency for databases hosted far apart from each other, while remaining highly available with autofailover. Multi-master functionality from BDR 3.0 will be submitted as core patches to PG12 in 2019, furthering the progression towards getting it full function multi-master into core for Production use. Explanations of multiple enhancements of PostgreSQL, which were accomplished as one of the results of the development of Postgres-BDR, will be included.
Simon Riggs Founder and CTO, 2ndQuadrant
Simon Riggs is the Founder and Chief Technology Officer of 2ndQuadrant. He is also a major developer and committer of the PostgreSQL project. Simon has contributed major features in each of the last 6 versions of PostgreSQL.His work includes recovery and replication performance and monitoring as well as designs for many other features. Simon has worked as a Database Architect for 20 years with high-end solutions experience and certifications on Oracle Teradata and DB2.
A partire dalla versione 10, la replica logica entra nel core di PostgreSQL, permettendo di replicare dati in maniera efficiente fra nodi diversi. In questo talk vedremo come funziona questo metodo alternativo alla replica fisica, quanto sia efficiente rispetto ad altri metodi di replica e come, con qualche accorgimento, sia possibile avere lo stream delle modifiche accessibile da Python. Naturalmente daremo anche uno squardo al futuro, parlando dei miglioramenti che saranno inclusi in PostgreSQL 11.
View presentationIn the company I work for we have implemented PostgreSQL High Availability using repmgr and pgbouncer. We have additionally prepared some custom scripts to avoid split brain situations. We are using puppet (foreman) for installing and configuring PostgreSQL, the same is used for configuring High Availability (with few manual steps). I would like to give a presentation about the setup we're doing for this High Availability solution.
View presentationSlavcho Trnkovski , Netcetera
Slavcho Trnkovski has been working with database technologies for 10 years. He has been working with Oracle since the beginning of his career and in last 3 years he has been using PostgreSQL as well. As a DBA he is responsible for administering PostgreSQL in the company. This includes installation and configuration of PostgreSQL database, establishing backup and restore procedures, preparing High Availability solutions, etc...
ZFS is a filesystem, originally developed for Solaris, that finally brings advanced filesystem features (compression, snapshots, and checksums, among others) to Linux. I selected the ZFS-on-Linux port as the key component of an internal tool created with the purpose of better supporting the team in all those scenarios where a replica of the production Postgres database might be required: testing query optimizations, database migrations, etc. While it was a lot of fun for me to work on it, the tool proved, most importantly, to be extremely useful to the whole team. The presentation dives into the technical details of the tool, introduces ZFS key features, why one would want to use it, and then explores some other interesting ZFS use cases
View presentationGreenplum brings massively parallel processing to the world of postgresql to enable analysis of Petabyte scale data using a standard PostgreSQL interface. This talk will explain how Greenplum enables massively parallel proecssing and how the future roadmap and integration with Kubernees will enable Greenplum to scale to new heights.
Ivan Novick Greenplum product manager, Pivotal
I joined Greenplum in November 2009 as a 100 person startup. The company was acquired by EMC in July 2010 and became an independent division of EMC Corporation. In 2013 Pivotal was and Greenplum Database became a product made and supported by Pivotal. From 2014 to now, leading the Greenplum Database product as the primary product manager. Working closely with our customers and R&D team guide the overall product direction and market strategy. Continuing effort to improve the product, continual agile releases, increase market share and make our customers successful. Driving GPDB to become the mainstream and #1 choice in the data warehouse market. From 2013 to 2014 was a Senior Engineering Manager of one of the core R&D teams building and developing the Greenplum Database (GPDB). Team projects include cluster management software, backup and restore, extensibility, programming interfaces, and connectivity with partner products. Utilize agile practices to ensure high quality and rapid development of new functionality and features. Also involved in product strategy, customer consulting, triaging incoming defect reports and feature requests, and optimizing software development processes. From 2009 to 2013, was lead software engineer that developed from scratch several components of the system management stack of the Data Computing Appliance. The software written was used by hundreds of large scale enterprise customers in production with minimal bugs being reported in the field. Filed 2 US Patents related to the Data Computing Appliance software stack. Prior to beginning work on the Data Computing Appliance, was primary developer of the Greenplum Command Center, implemented gpconfig tool, and led the performance analysis team for GPDB.
We can offer a one-size-fits-all product, or we can truly understand our users and offer something valuable and customized to their needs. Geolocation is the key to learn what is going on around them to make better, user-centric decisions.
View presentationArtur Caliendo Prado IT Specialist II, Youse
Artur is a developer, a speaker and a writer. He has 8 years of experience with Ruby on Rails and 5 with C#. He worked in the largest magazine publisher in Brazil, building high-performance websites like Exame.com, with 90 million page views per month and 6 million unique visitors. In 2004 he won the 3rd place in the Brazilian stage of Microsoft Imagine Cup. He is currently working at Youse, a startup that aims to change the insurance market with a strong focus on innovation and technology.
Logging events in databases has been around for ages and we have been more than used to the traditional way of doing so using triggers. In this talk, I'd be glad to show how database logging trascends beyond using triggers and turn to the not so new Logical decoding in PostgreSQL. Thanks to Logical Decoding, log tables can now me moved to a different database servers where cheap hardware could be deployed for not so critical log tables. Beyond just logging , Logical Decoding also allows for all other exciting usage like Data warhousing ETL processes , data pipelines, queuing and the rest.
View presentationOlakunle Olaniyi Lead IT Operations (Databases), Billpay GmbH Team
Olakunle Olaniyi is a Database Administrator with great interests in database technologies (old and new). He's go experience in different database systems but die hard junky of PostgreSQL. Besides databases, he also passes some of his time developing in python.
Patroni is a high availability solution to manage hundreds of databases in the cloud, as well as in traditional data centers. It implements automatic failover and works together with Etcd, Zookeeper, Consul or Kubernetes API to store and retrieve PostgreSQL cluster information in a consistent way ensuring that there is only one leader at a time. Unlike the majority of existing solutions for automatic failover, it requires a minimal effort to configure the HA cluster and supports autodiscovery of new nodes. In this talk, I will describe how Patroni works, present a live-demo of creating a new high-availability cluster and share experiences of running a few hundreds PostgreSQL HA clusters in Zalando’s Database-as-a-Service infrastructure on EC2 instances and on Kubernetes. Patroni is developed by Zalando in cooperation with other contributors on GitHub: https://github.com/zalando/patroni
View presentationAlexander Kukushkin Database Engineer at Zalando SE, Zalando SE
His everyday duty at Zalando is creation and maintenance of hundreds PostgreSQL clusters in sizes from several megabytes up to several terabytes of data. Occasionally he is contributing to different open source projects. He is the major contributors to the Patroni project.
Per avere i nostri dati al sicuro li abbiamo scritti in un database PostgreSQL. Ma per analizzarli? Superset! Superset è una piattaforma open source che permette di creare visualizzazioni dinamiche di dati senza scrivere una riga di codice. Vedremo quali sono le caratteristiche e le funzionalità di Superset e come possiamo usarlo per esplorare e visualizzare i dati di un database.
View presentationKubernetes is emerging as a standard open-source platform to quickly roll out containerised applications, automatically manage resources and provide universal abstractions for the hardware/cloud layer, but can we take advantage of it for deploying and running PostgreSQL databases? The answer is yes, and we at Zalando have developed open-source tools to help you with that task. In this talk I will explain how we embraced Kubernetes at Zalando to run our staging and production databases, avoiding commercial solutions lock-in and saving costs. I will describe the benefits and pitfalls of running production databases on Kubernetes and, finally, show open-source tools we have built for application developers to deploy and manage PostgreSQL clusters by writing short manifests describing a few essential properties of the result.
View presentationOleksii Kliukin Database Engineer, Zalando SE
Oleksii is a Database Engineer at Zalando, managing a vast amount of data Zalando stores in PostgreSQL databases and building tools to make this process easier. He is an occasional PostgreSQL contributor, and co-organiser of the Berlin PostgerSQL meetup group.
Leonardo Cecchi PostgreSQL Consultant, 2ndQuadrant
In few words I can say that I and computer science have grown together. Programming has always been my passion. A passion that began when I was 6, standing next to my father, programmer, who taught me the rudiments of programming in C. At the elementary school I could write on the keyboard but not on paper! I've always been curious and I'm not enough satisfied to learn new technologies and new programming environments. Among them: Python, Java, Go, C, Haskell. Today I am part of the 2ndQuadrant Italia team because it gives me the opportunity to work on PostgreSQL, the DBMS that addresses innovative problems with a 'classic' language.
Rubens Souza PostgreSQL Consultant, 2ndQuadrant
Truly passionate about computers and the open source movement, Rubens has being involved with GNU/Linux since he could grab a copy of Slackware 4.0 on 'the good old days', and have been learning, working and having fun with databases, system administration, servers, networks, and benchmarks ever since. Rubens works as a PostgreSQL Consultant at 2ndQuadrant, where he performs various tasks related to our beloved database.